Make it Hot - "So Simple" Handheld Frother Method

Make it Hot - "So Simple" Handheld Frother Method

Did you know, Polar Joe Cold Brew can be enjoyed HOT?! Got a few minutes to spare?  Choose the "So Simple" Method with the handheld frother you already own!

"So Simple" Handheld Frother Method

  • Fill your mug with hot water
  • Insert your handheld frother into the water & turn it on to create a vortex  🌪️
  • Take 1 scoop of your Polar Joe blend of choice & slowly add little by little into the vortex. Allow the frother to blend the product into the warm water.
  • Take a 2nd scoop & repeat that same process noted above
  • Continue to froth/blend until it is well mixed
  • Enjoy your warm cup of protein rich caffeine 😊