Heat it Up

Did you know, Polar Joe Cold Brew can be enjoyed HOT?! Whether you have 60 seconds to make your Joe to Go or are lucky enough to enjoy a leisurely morning to yourself, here are a couple of different ways that you can heat up your next cup of Polar Joe. 

Choose "Joe to Go", for those moments when you need your Polar Joe on the go. This is best enjoyed with our Polar Joe Quick Shaker.

1. Microwave*
  • Add about 400mL of water to your Polar Joe Quick Shaker
  • Add 2 scoops of your favourite blend of Polar Joe
  • Shake for 30 seconds
  • Put your Polar Joe Quick Shaker into the microwave for about 30 seconds
  • Take it with you on the go & enjoy

Check out this video which shows you how to heat up your next blend in the microwave!

Alternatively, you can choose the "Take it Slow Joe" approach, when you have time to enjoy the process, from preparing it in your trusty frother to sipping it cozied up on the couch with your latest read. 

2. Electric Milk Frother
  • Add about 300mL of water or milk to your electric milk frother
  • Add 2 scoops of your favourite blend of Polar Joe
  • Let your milk frother work its magic to fully blend and heat your protein coffee
  • Pour it into your favourite cup & enjoy

Here is a video to show you exactly how easy it is to heat up your protein coffee this way! 

3. Handheld Milk Frother
  • Fill your mug with hot water
  • Insert your handheld frother into the water & turn it on to create a vortex  🌪️
  • Take 1 scoop of your Polar Joe blend of choice & slowly add little by little into the vortex. Allow the frother to blend the product into the warm water.
  • Take a 2nd scoop & repeat that same process noted above
  • Continue to froth/blend until it is well mixed
  • Enjoy your warm cup of protein rich caffeine 😊

Know that you can't go wrong by heating up your next cup of protein coffee. Something has to help us beat these cold temperatures and we know Polar Joe can do just that for you!

*Disclaimer: do not heat your protein coffee to a temperature higher than 70 degrees Celsius because it will denature the protein.